The Life of the Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court just isn't something most people tend to put much thought into. They seem more like an enigmatic entity than something that actually exists. The justices are these strange higher powers that seem like they are the final say when it comes to any major dispute. Getting a look inside their jobs in this video felt like peeking behind the curtain. In school you learn so much about the different cases they take and how they set different precedents in history, but you never really learn as much about them. You know there are nine justices, but to me it always felt like they were all faceless and nameless figures. The only actual name I knew when it was said was Ruth Bader Ginsberg, seeing as she is the most famous out of all of them. The deliberations they must go through for every case have to be so time consuming and weigh on their minds so much. In order for them to do their job correctly, they have to make decisions that will greatly impact the lives of those who are involved and that will impact the future of our country. There have been so many Supreme Court cases that have resulted in our country being changed, for better or worse. Whether it was the Dred Scott decision or Marbury v. Madison, you never know what decision is going to come from the justices and what part in history they will play. Knowing how some of them deliberate and how they come to the decisions they make is a great insight into their minds. This also shows their personalities and gives faces to them and makes them feel more human, and even though they are some of the most important figures in our country, that is exactly what they are, human.
   Considering they are the most important people in our country to making sure that the other branches of the government don't violate our rights, we should hold them in the highest regard. They are the people that make sure that when our first amendment rights are being taken advantage of by the government, that we come out on top. They may only take 100 out of the 7,000 cases that come across their desks every year, but those 100 cases are important enough for them to take and when they rule on those cases, it tells everyone else in the country how they should act in those scenarios are and what the consequences are if they do not. They are the absolute authority, they have ways to be put in check if need be and because there are 9 of them, there is an impartiality that exists, but when it comes to deciding whether or not something is unconstitutional, they are the final say so.
