Mad But True

    There aren't a lot of things that make me emotional. It's hard to make me feel any emotion but anger to be honest, but watching this animation by Steve Cutts to the song "Mad World" covered by Gary Jules gave me chills and made me really sad about our society and the way things are going. It's rare you find someone nowadays who isn't connected to the internet or social media in some form. It has gotten to the point where we spend most of our days staring down at our phones and spending more time with the people online than we do with the people in our own lives. Cell phones and computers have completely taken over our lives and made it almost impossible to go through a day without having your phone on you. Everyone says they could do it, but when the time finally comes around for it to happen, people crack under the pressure. We can't take how it feels to be cut off from our family and "friends" and from the rest of the world. It's sad and scary to think about how much of our lives the internet consumes. I could be sitting at home with my fiance when we could be watching a movie together or going out to dinner but we spend our time sitting on the couch just scrolling down our respective social media on our phones. We end up completely ignoring each other and I know that this isn't something unusual in relationships in the 21st century. We are more attached to our technology then we are to people.
    The thing that is crazy to me about all of this too is that now that we have some of the most powerful computers in the world at our fingertips, you would think that we would be more educated about the world and what is going on in the world, but we know less and less about the world as the years go on. I could take a few seconds a day to read about what's going on in the world and keep myself knowledgeable about the world, but I don't i choose to keep myself updated with my sports teams and with the people I subscribe to on YouTube but I can't bring myself to care about finding out what's going on in the world. My fiance tells me about things that are happening, but I don't see them for myself, I find out about other people telling me and I know for a fact that I am not the only one. I have gotten to a point where I am not on social media anymore. I have accounts but I do not use any social media platforms aside from finding sports updates on Twitter. It was very freeing to get off of those platforms and not have to worry about the hate that exists on those sites. There are so many strong opinions and people trying to get other people to believe their opinions. It is hard to scroll down those sites without getting angry about something. It has definitely made my life a lot better and honestly think that everyone should get off of social media because it doesn't do any good for people. There are political fights on Facebook, racist and bigoted tweets on Twitter, dumb and dangerous trends being spread on Instagram, and god knows what on Snapchat. It's really a bad thing that has happened to our society and has just fully enhanced that need to have your phone in your face at all times.
