I got caught by the title and was not disappointed.

Let me begin by saying that when looking at these two websites, they initially give off different feels, but they both look like websites that in today's day and age you would want to stay away from because you're afraid you'll get a virus.

Anyway, after perusing for a bit, I settled on one article that really just stood out to me. It was an article on the American Conservative titled Trump: A Banana Republican. I honestly didn't know anything about the whole Joe Biden / Ukraine situation until I read this article, and it is incredible to me how President Trump continues to have things like this happen to him and the affect it seems to have on how much faith people in his own party have on him.

If you aren't up to speed, in short, Trump recently had discussions with the new Ukrainian president about digging up some dirt on Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden and trying to connect a visit that he had to his father in order to damage Joe's campaign. The reason this is significant is because of the fact that Ukraine is currently at odds with Russia, so they really need our help and our support right now, so that gives Trump leverage in order to make the Ukrainian President do what he wants. This is power that he should not be abusing in order to help his own political career and he shouldn't be able to strong-arm another country in order to get something he wants.

This whole situation was brought to light by Ukraine and there have apparently been rumblings (again) about impeaching Trump for using his awesome power for evil. What I equate this to is someone in middle school who is running for their second term of class president. That person knows a kid in the lunch room who is always being bullied by someone stronger than them and they offer to protect them, but only if they find out some gossip about the person that's running against them so they can tell everyone and have an edge when the entire class votes. Not only is this juvenile and ridiculous but an egregious misuse of presidential power. The author of the article focused on how this could set a precedent for Democratic presidents in the future, which is obviously the worst part about this, but fails to mention the fact that this just, in general, gives the President so much more power than what he should have. Imagine if our President and our Country just became more bully-like than we already are? Instead of just flexing our military muscle, we hold Countries hostage by threatening not to do things for them unless they do persona; favors for out officials?

This can't be something that is let go lightly like all of the other offenses of Trumps first presidential campaign or his presidency up to this point. It is a frightening thing to learn about how our President views his role in the world and what he feels he can do with it, but I honestly cannot say I am surprised. 
