Google's Stranglehold on ... Almost Everything


I don't know if there is a person alive today that doesn't know what google is. Even a lot of babies will just happen to see their parents Google something before they are able to speak or form coherent thoughts. Google has just become such a big thing that it is not a surprise to me that they are finally under an investigation for potentially being a monopoly, but the problem is whether or not they actually are. There have been multiple search engines that have existed since Google came to be. Services like Ask Jeeves, Yahoo, and eventually Bing were all decently popular for a bit of time. So much so that Bing is the default search engine that Microsoft uses for their Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer web browsers. The problem wasn't that Google muscled them out of the space and threatened them or put them out of business, the problem was the people just preferred Google. Google is just better at what they do and the experience of Google was just preferable. It could be spun negatively like all things could, but I don't believe in that space that they are a monopoly.

The advertising area is more of an argument because it could be said that they are the ones that determine the prices of advertising and can raise prices at whim which cause price raises in a bunch of other scopes. It is hard for me to be objective on this topic because I love Google. I've been following them closely for the past month to find out about the Pixel 4 that will be announced next month, my smart home is run by Google, I am on YouTube every day and spend hours watching videos, and don't get me started on Google Assistant. There are people out there that are Apple fans that anything Apple does is the best, and that is me with Google. I do see the arguments though and it is true that you can't go anywhere without seeing Google somewhere or seeing something that Google owns. They are definitely riding a fine line and I think it is good of people to look into it because companies need to be kept in check so they cannot become monopolies.
